Spring Boot 3 and Spring Framework 6 First Edition 20594

Say goodbye to dependencies, bogged-down code, and inflexibility! With the Spring framework and Spring Boot, you'll painlessly create Java applications that are production ready. Start with the basics: containers for Spring-managed beans, Spring framework modules, and proxies. Then learn to connect to relational databases, implement Jakarta Persistence, use Spring Data JPA, and work with NoSQL databases. Get the right know-how for modern software development with Spring and Java!
  • Develop enterprise Java applications with Spring and Spring Boot
  • Work with Spring containers, modules, and proxies
  • Follow along with exercises, downloadable code, and demos to grow your expertise
Fundamentals and Advanced Topics
Starting your first project? Master the basics like caching, the data access layer, containers, modules, and more. Already an experienced developer? Get professional tips, practical examples, and advice on possible pitfalls to create the most successful application possible.
Hands-on Development
Read and develop at the same time! Set up your Spring Boot project following detailed instructions and using the downloadable examples that accompany this book.
About the Author
Christian Ullenboom is an Oracle-certified Java programmer and has been a trainer and consultant for Java technologies and object-oriented analysis and design since 1997.
  • Автор
    Christian Ullenboom
  • Категорія
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  • Рік
  • Сторінок
  • Формат
    165х235 мм
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  • Ілюстрації
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